Signs its time to outsource your content production
You’re really busy
Your to-do list is pages long, the unread emails are piling up and you’ve still got 3 more meetings to get to today. When you do get a moment to focus you absolutely want it to be on a higher level of strategy planning, not the nitty gritty production of an individual video. You’re not a unicorn so you don’t know why copywriting, creative ideating, camera operation, set design, casting, directing, lighting setup, video editing and motion design have all managed to sneak into your responsibilities and dilute what you were actually hired to do.
You find it stressful
Are you procrastinating to the point of you’d rather reach inbox zero then have to film something? Do you stare at a blank page titled “content plan” on your computer screen and start watching a couple of reels for inspiration but end up spending half an hour on your phone? Do you really hate making phone calls but you need to ring up every store in the area to see which would be the most useful location to shoot at, and you don’t even know what you’re looking for? If you’re dreading just the thought of having to figure out how to start content creation and it would be a huge sigh of relief if someone just took it off your plate, then maybe you should look at finding that someone.
You’re struggling to make the idea a reality
Whether it be a limitation on technology because your in-house camera is a DSLR from the mid 2000s, or you know exactly how you want the text to transition in your head, but the amount of functions in After Effects is overwhelming and you don’t want to spend the afternoon watching YouTube tutorials. You know what you want, you’ve seen it before, but you’re not quite sure what to use in order to achieve it.
You’re wishing for a way where you could explain what you want in non-technical language, where you can provide references and say “sort of like this but going upwards instead” and it just… magically happens, you get your video and then once you can see it you can tweak it and request the changes until it’s perfect.
The quality isn’t there, and it’s showing in the results
It’s super disheartening to see that all the time and effort you put in to producing some content, only to see that once the video is posted there are minimal conversions and the view count seems to just be from you and your team refreshing the page double checking that it’s working. You only noticed that there were distracting elements in the background once you were already editing, or maybe caught a small typo once it had already been uploaded. Why is the sound so loud and echo-y in one clip, and then too quiet in the next?
It’s time to hand over the reins so all you need to do is brief what you want and then get the finished result! It’s a win-win, you get your time back in your diary and will still be able to deliver high quality and engaging content.